Well, there's nothing like families sharing things together...but I think we're taking it a little too far when we start sharing our germs! Last week, dad and Christy both had to see their doctors to get medicine to treat cold & sinus & flu junk. Well, this week it my turn! I actually started feeling puny on Thursday night and by Sunday night I was full-blown SICK! I was running a fever, stuffy nose, upset stomach and BAD sore throat. I fought through it all weekend and waited for the "countdown" of the doctor's office to open on Monday morning. I'd almost rather die than have to call a doctor over the weekend. So, I called this morning and got 2 different medicines called in. Hopefully I'll be up and running by the time we load up and leave for Florida on Friday.
So, there's not much news on my end today. I was in the bed pretty much all weekend. I missed the "pie in the face" contest at church. I'll have to find out who "won" that contest. I heard my brother Ryan was in the top ten and got "pie-ed", but his wife was merciful to him and just put a little pie on the end of his nose. Ah, the joy of still being a newlywed!
Well, I'm gonna run for now. I'll post more later when I actually have something worth writing about! :)
Sorry you're sick Sis! Hope the antibiotics work their magic quick!
OH. I hope you feel better. I know how you feel. I was so sick after my pool party. I thought I had the flu but it was just sinus. Hope you have a better day today.
Love ya!!
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