Probably my ya-ya sisters will be the only one who "gets" this title. It goes WAY back to Christy and my teenage years when mom introduced us to a new Janette Oke series entitled "Love Comes Softly". As teenagers, Christy and I were enthralled in these books to the neglect, I'm sure, of ever-present homework and housework to be done.
But the phrase that "Marty", the main character in the books, used whenever something happened by accident that frustrated her she would always say, "Dad, blame it!".
Well, I had a "Dad, blame it" day yesterday when all of a sudden, I hear Gentry screaming from outside and saw him running toward the house.
Dale had been out mowing. Gentry HAD to be out there with him and when he turned off the mower Gentry went over there and touched his finger to the motor...where he had been told REPEATEDLY not to touch! GRRR.
But we've learned with Gentry that sometimes the lessons he remembers the most are the ones he learns the hard way.
He got a bad blister on the tip of his left index finger and I felt so sorry for him. He was yelling, saying, "Mommie, it burns, it burns," and tears were pouring down his face. I was saying all the things that momma's are supposed to say to try to make them feel better.
Luckily, my rusty nursing skills kicked into action and I ran it under cold water for a while, then dipped it into some aloe vera gel and wrapped it with a bandage. He said after a few hours that it was feeling better. You can see some of the pictures I took of him in hysterics when he first came in. They're quite funny, actually!
My mom thinks it's hysterical that in the midst of a chaotic crisis with him, I've always got a camera in his face to capture the moment. But hey, his mom's a relentless scrapbooker and I'm always thinking, "This will make a great story for a scrapbook page!"
I will run for now. Dale is gone for the day so Gentry and I are going to have the whole day to ourselves. Wonder what kind of trouble we can get into today! Have a great weekend and I'll see you soon again in blogland! :)
Love - Melanie
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Oh Bless his heart!! I know that hurt. I bet Dale was freaking too. (you know those Rutland men). Did he blame it on you? LOL, Thomas would have blamed it on me. Anyways, I'm glad it feels better. Love your blog. It looks so good.
Stinkin' on the low down luck!!! My poor little buddy! Mimi had to kiss it over the phone at bedtime last night, when Gent called me to tell me all about it! The only thing that worries me, Gentry is this...did mama go for the camera first, or the first aid kit? LOL I'm guessing it was the camera! Sorry, bud!
Poor little angel! I've missed him this week!
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