I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my family for having Sunday dinner with us this past Sunday. It's always such an honor, privilege and labor of love to cook dinner for you all. I guess "acts of service" is my love language and I feel fulfilled when I'm "doing" for other people...especially my family.
The food was good...so you said anyway! :) I made a chicken and rice casserole, homemade squash casserole straight from OUR OWN garden, baked corn OFF the cob that Dale made...he got the recipe from his mother, and oh my goodness was it ever good! Southern ladies just know how to cook! Then we had English peas & spoon rolls laden with butter, honey, or homemade fig preserves!!
For dessert I made turtle brownies, homemade cinnamon rolls, & banana pudding. YUM-O!
The food was fabulous, but the company was even better. The conversation was light and encouraging and of course lots of laughs sprinkled in.
We've only got less than two weeks now before we hit the road for vacation to Florida. We are going to be traveling buddies with Mom & Dad. They have leased a "condo" down in Orlando for a year and so we're going down there to help "pretty it up" so we all will have access to it throughout the year. Mom and dad have already been down there once and plan on taking full advantage of their getaway place during the cold winter months.
We plan to mix the right amount of relaxation with fun and attractions. Our plans at this point are to go to Medieval Times dinner theatre, Sea World, Disney's Animal Kingdom, and possibly Magic Kingdom if we don't wear ourselves out!
I'll be sure to post pictures of our trip when we get back.
Well, I'm going to wrap this up for now. I've got a doctor's appointment this afternoon and piano lessons this evening. Yes...I've started taking lessons again...and I'm LOVING it!
So, I better get to practicing for a bit and then make sure I have the stuff ready to go for dinner tonight.
Looks like my menu is going to be:
Fried Ocean Perch
Crab Fried Rice
Fresh Green Beans (from the garden! )
Asiago Cheese Toast
&.........Banana Pudding or Rice Krispy Treats for dinner!!
Mmmm....can't wait!
Blessings to you all -
We so enjoyed our time with you on Sunday! Dinner was delicious!! The company was great too! Your supper tonight sounds delicious. I'm afraid ours won't be so creative! I'm very under the weather today. In fact, when the Sparta Convenient Care opens I'm going to be there asking for a prescription! My throat feels like it's on fire and I'm losing my voice. Oh well... additionally... Charles is working tonight. So hopefully I will get some good down time and rest. Love ya!
Mel! You described our dinner Sunday so perfectly that all I need to say is that it was truly delicious! And that it was fun being together at the farm! The garden fresh tomatoes I snitched out of the fruit/veggie bowl were heavenly, too! :)
Love your blog, too! Hope your dr. visit and your piano lesson goes well.
Love you!
I wish I could get as excited as you sound about putting together a meal. I've always wanted to really enjoy cooking and trying new things, but I'm afraid I'm just a meat-and-potatoes Missouri girl. I did try some southern-style Mexican cornbread last night and have to admit it was yummy.
I am excited about your blog. I don't have one myself, but it will be a neat way to stay caught up since you take so long to reply to my emails...*smile* I know, I'm slow most of the time too.
I can't believe how grown-up Ryan looks...and Courtney too. Wow, I think I've only met her (and Gentry) one time. Next time we fly into St. Louis, we are definitely going to have to make a trip across the river to see the family.
Chase had his second day of kindergarten today. Last year, he was in pre-K and would run and jump into my arms when I picked him up. No such luck this year. I suppose this is the beginning of the separation. One day, I may have to wait in the car so his friends don't see me. Sad, but then again, we do want them to grow up to be self-sufficient don't we?
Well, I just wanted to drop a quick hello. Love ya and miss ya!
We're coming to your house for dinner!!! LOL! With 23 days left before our new addition arrives, I'm loving thawing out food straight from the freezer!!! My sister made homemade dressing and froze it for us! Yes...it was good. Now the London Broil that I had in the freezer that I thought I would just spice up and cook in the oven for a couple of hours and enjoy with the dressing......well I think I should attempt going to cooking school before I try that again! IT WAS TOUGH AS A BOOT!!
Anyway, I had tears pouring when I saw all the beautiful pics on your blogspot! Mel, I miss you so much!!
Our children will be grown and meet at some conference somewhere..over the rainbow...if we don't put a date on the calendar to get together.
Glad your doing good!
Love ya,
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