Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've been able to get on here and get something down. We just got back from vacation in Florida and the place we stayed didn't have wireless high speed or any kind of internet for that matter. It actually was kind of a nice break, but I'm glad to be back in blog-land!
A few months ago, mom and dad leased a vacation home down in Florida and they asked us to go down there with them and help get it ready for occupancy. We were thrilled they asked us to go and we definitely needed a vacation. We haven't taken a vacation since we left Virginia and it was way past due!
We left out on a Friday afternoon and took our Expedition. I had been so sick and it was up in the air on whether I would even be able to make the trip, but my sweetie fixed up a PLUSH bed in the far back seat of the vehicle and I was like a princess on a soft feather bed back there.
We got dual DVD players so Gentry could watch his favorites and mom and I could watch some singing DVD's.
We drove to Chattanooga that Friday night and got a hotel and spent the night there. Then the next morning it was on to Florida. We didn't get in until late that evening and then had to make a Wal-mart run around midnight to get a few groceries, towels, toilet paper and the other "essentials" that we needed for our stay.
On Sunday we slept in and had lunch in Orlando and drove around for a bit checking out the lay of the land. Mom and dad bought a lot of things for the house like new curtains, blinds and other things to make the place look like "home".
Tuesday and Thursday we decided to do the theme parks. We did Disney's Animal Kingdom on Tuesday and Sea World on Thursday. Gentry LOVED both places, but I have to say I think he enjoyed Animal Kingdom a bit more. They had a broadway type show of "The Lion King" and "Finding Nemo". Both shows were fantastic!
Dad and I rode a water ride at Sea World and had such a good time. We captured our "screaming" on camera and I'll post that if I can get it scanned in. Mom and I were EWC Queens at both theme parks. (electric wheelchair)! :) I could NOT have made it through the parks without that assistance this time. It turned out being very convenient and saved me so much pain. The only thing is Gentry didn't understand why in the world he couldn't ride with me. Rules, rules, rules! Bother! :)
The joy of the day at Animal Kingdom was Gentry getting to meet the Disney characters. We weren't sure what his reaction would be because he didn't even know who Mickey Mouse was a week ago. But when it was his turn he just ran right up to Mickey, Goofy, Winnie the Pooh, & Tigger and gave them all big hugs and kisses and posed for pictures. I'll post those later too. He was SO PRECIOUS and we were all "oohing & awwing" over how he acted. He loved riding the rides and even "bungee jumped" sort of and just waved and squealed and yelled and had such a good time. I think he's going to be my thrill seeker. He just isn't afraid of anything...yet!
Last week was the week Hurricane Gustav hit the gulf coast and thankfully it was not a repeat of Katrina three years ago. Our best friends, Glenn & MaDonna live in Lake Charles and of course we were concerned for them as well as Glenn's mother. Luckily they were all able to evacuate early and find safety with family. We kept in touch with them as much as possible and were so thankful that they had no damage of any kind when they returned back home. Thank goodness for that!
Last week was also the week of the Republican National Convention, so there was MUCH discussion of politics over the week. We got to see history made when Gov. Sarah Palin from Alaska accepted the nomination for Vice President of the Republican Party. We enjoyed watching her speech on Wednesday night and then Senator McCain accepting the nomination for president the next night. We'll see what happens! I'm looking forward to the debates over the next 60 days. The McCain/Palin ticket sure is an inspiring ticket. Both of their stories of determination are infectious and inspiring. I guess it's not a question of who I think would be more qualified to win this election! :) We shall see!
I will post more pictures later of our vacation and mom and dad's cute little getaway. We had such a wonderfully relaxing time together and enjoyed each other's company so much. Be sure to check out "mimi's musings" for my mom's take on our time together too. And if you can't view it, just send a request to her...she'll share I'm sure!
Glad to be back home this week. I missed my three doggies and they sure were glad to see their mommie too! It was good to be back at my farmhouse and to climb back into my MOST comfortable bed. Our garden had lots of tomatoes, okra & squash for us and the chickens were faithful with their egg laying as well. I'm going to make some homemade spaghetti sauce and some salsa this week with my abundance of tomatoes.
Doctor's appointments call my name tomorrow and then I've got to dig into the pile of mail and get myself organized again...oh and I think I have piano lessons this week...and I need groceries...and Dale is gone this week...and it's just me and Gentry... So, it looks like my vacation days are officially over...at least for awhile!
Enjoy your day...whether routine or fun-filled...this is YOUR life!
Blessings - Melanie
Glad you're home Mel. I missed you all! Sounds like you had fun. Just what you needed. Love you!
Hey girl!! I'm glad yall had a good time. I know it was so nice to get away. Great pictures. I can't wait to see all of them in your scrapbook. My first photography class went really good. I think I'm gonna benefit alot from it. Glad you are back in blogworld. Love ya girl.
Looks and sounds like Disney was a blast! We have been thinking about taking Chase for his birthday in March.
We ended up not evacuating for the hurricane. We were packed up and ready to leave after Sunday morning service, but then decided to wait until the evening for the traffic to thin. By that evening they had lowered it to a category 3 and were predicting a somewhat different path, so we stayed put.
By the time it actually got to us it was either a category 1 or even just a tropical storm. I've seen more rain here on a given day, when we weren't expecting a hurricane. So far, looks like Ike is not going to threaten us either.
Enjoy your week alone with your little man. Aren't they such a treasure? We are very blessed indeed!
Love, Tara
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