Happy Thursday! It's been a fairly quiet week around here. I've had an array of "ailments" that have kept me close to my comfy bed. First I had a strain of the muscle on top of my foot and couldn't put any weight on my foot for about 2 1/2 days. It was swollen really big on the inside of my ankle and SO sore. I don't know what I could have done, but I took some anti-inflammatory medication and this evening it is much better and not as swollen. But in its place came a terrible cold and sore throat! Hopefully lots of rest will make it all better! :)
It's also been a sad week for me because my little shih-tzu, Cambridge, is gone. When Dale was in Mississippi last week and I had gone to Louisiana, we took our dogs with us as we always do. Well, Dale let them out one evening and when he went to put them back in their cage, Cambridge was no where to be found. We looked everywhere that evening and all morning the next day and NO Cambridge. It's been a week now and no one has called saying that they found her. I guess she's gone for good. I was SO heartbroken! I can't think about it too deeply because my mind just starts wandering and thinking of all the possible scenarios of what could have happened to her.
Cam-Cam was the princess of the clan. She was high-stepping in her prance and LOVED being pampered. Her favorite place was at the end of our bed cuddled up in a pile of blankets. She never met anyone - person or animal- that she didn't like or was scared of. Maybe that's what got her in trouble! :) She LOVED to eat and begged with the best of them.
I only have two shih-tzus left now: Little Bit (the mom) and Emmy. I miss that little thing so much. I miss her brown eyes that could stare you down over a chicken leg. She was a sweetheart and brought many smiles to my life. I will certainly miss her, but am thankful for the seven years I had with her and a whole scrapbook full of pictures of her in her crazy little hairbows and outfits.
Well, I'm off to bed...again! I'm still trying to get my front porch finished...a project that was supposed to have been done three days ago! I'll post pictures when it's finished.
Toodles for now!
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