Good evening! Well, as you can see from the pictures, we (Gentry) had a little mishap today! And I have NO IDEA what he did! Here's the condensed version...as much as possible. I had to pick up a few things at the pharmacy and grocery, so I had jumped into the shower REALLY quick. All was fine until I ran upstairs to get dressed. Gentry has been in this phase of wanting to wash dishes and he has a favorite red mixing bowl that he carries around with him. He told me he wanted to wash it, and I told him we would as soon as mommie got some clothes on. So, up the stairs I run and had put on ONE item of clothing and I heard this CRASH and then a blood-curdling SCREAM! I go running downstairs in nothing but...well you can imagine...and scoop him up from the hallway floor and see blood everywhere in his mouth! I have NO IDEA what happened or how he could have injured himself so badly. I've questioned him about what happened and every time I ask him he just hides his face in my chest like he did something wrong.
The first thing I checked was if any teeth were missing...NOPE...THANK YOU, GOD! Then I ran back up the stairs with him and a wet washcloth, threw on some clothes and jumped in the car to go to my mom's house to get a second opinion on whether he needed stitches or not. Well, by the time I had gotten to mom's house he had quieted down and I had gotten the bleeding to stop. He kept asking me on the way over there, "Will mimi make it better?" And I kept assuring him, "Yes, mimi will make it better...she always does." So, after assessing the situation again with another set of eyes, we decided that Gentry would be fine without a visit to the ER. I think maybe I needed a trip to "mimi's" more than Gentry did! :) Anyway, he's got a FAT lip, but otherwise, no worse for the wear this evening. He looks pitiful though and my heart about breaks when I look at his little face and that BIG FAT lip! But, thankfully, the mouth is one of the fastest healing parts of the body, so hopefully he'll be good as new and ready to give his mommie another heart attack sometime soon.
I'm just thankful that he didn't really hurt or disfigure himself. I can deal with a fat lip for a few days!
Oh...bless his heart and yours. I hate that. I know what you mean, if one of my kids would have had that happen I would have probably needed a second opinion. Hope he feels better.
We need to put his picture beside Jared's picture from his go kart accident! :) I'm glad Gent was okay though! Love ya!
Bless his little heart. He's still adorable, fat lip and all. Glad Mimi saved the day!
Have you survived any ER visits with him yet?
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