Dale, Mel & Gentry - "chillin' at the zoo"
sweetest kiss in the world!

just woke up from a nap on the way...not sure if he wants to be here yet!
Are you scared, momma??? That's what he kept asking me!
His "scared" face

petting the...um? guinea pigs?
Our carosel ride on the BULL!

just woke up from a nap on the way...not sure if he wants to be here yet!

petting the...um? guinea pigs?

Hey guys and gals! Man, I went for a week and didn't blog one bit and now I've got so many things I'd like to say and know I'll run out of brain power before I get everything down I want to say. So, I'll give you some "teasers" and hopefully "reminders" for me so I'll remember all I wanted to talk about. The first blog I'll attack is our "Boo at the Zoo" family night we had tonight. Then I don't want to forget to tell you about one of the most AWESOME sermons I've heard that Pastor Blake preached last night. That teaser will be the title of the sermon: "Dynamite and Aspirin". It's gonna be GOOD! And then the other thing is Dale's "health condition". Nothing life threatening, so I'll wait for another night to blog about that as well! :) Sorry, honey!
Okay, so back to "Boo at the Zoo". Dale will be leaving Wednesday morning to go down to Mississippi to meet his dad and brother for them to take their annual "man-trip" to Colorado to hunt. He'll be gone for 10 days, so he's been attached to Gentry and me at the hip for the past few days wanting to gather up some "quality time" before he heads west. So we decided to go to the St. Louis Zoo this evening for a "kid-friendly, non-scary" Halloween fun night. Now, I know it's probably not "politcally correct" these days to do the Halloween thing if you call yourself a Christian, but I guess I have enough rebel blood in me that I still like to bend the rules a bit. So...off we went!
I'm sure I always say we had fun, but we REALLY did tonight. The park was decorated so festive with lots of pumpkins, lights and AWFUL organ music! There was an animal show with an assortment of animals ranging from little rats to the biggest snake I've ever seen. Gentry was particularly interested in the armadillo and owl. Who knew you could find those at a zoo? We got to pet some...well, I think they were guinea pigs, but I couldn't tell you for sure. We saw foxes, fish, seals, geicos, turtles and penguins. We sat around a "contained" bonfire and heard a "spooky" story, rode a bull on the carosel ride (Gentry's choice) and stopped by a pirate's ship and found sunken treasures. The only thing that scared him during the entire evening was when I "perched" him on top of a railing to look at some pink flamingos. That TOTALLY freaked him out. I don't know if he thought I was going to let go of him, but he was truly petrified of the flamingos and started screaming to the top of his lungs "Let me down!!!" But I have to say, Dale and I had a big laugh over the fact that nothing in the entire park spooked him but a bunch of harmless pink flamingos! It was pretty chilly(40*), but the walking, gloves, jackets & scarves kept us toasty warm. The night ended perfectly when Gentry got a bag of candy to snack on as we left the zoo.
Our little excursion must have worn us all out, because once we got back in the vehicle, Gentry knocked out and Dale and I didn't say one word to each other the entire trip back home. That's one nice thing about the comfort of old married life...no pressure to produce conversation; just comfortable silence.
Well, Gentry is jumping up and down, grabbing my arm, and saying, "Mommie, Mommie, I wanna watch Bam-bee!(emphasis on each syllable)" So, I'm gonna run for now and get my little man settled in for his late night show!
Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy the pictures. Hugs to you all!
Once again, beautiful pics! Especially love the "scared face" pic of Gentry! Looks like the Rutlands had a fun adventure at the zoo! Such memories last a lifetime. Love you!
Oh, I wish I had high speed internet. I could share with you our trip to the pumpkin patch. Looks like yall had a great time. Love the pictures. He's just the cutest thing.(Gentry) Ha! Hopefully I can get up to mama's and get some pictures posted pretty soon. Have a good week.
Love the pics and your account of the evening! I love that little boy so much and I'm sorry I missed out on the song he was going to sing me last night. I must have been getting Courtney ready for bed when you called. I loved watching him sing that song in church Sunday night!!
Sounds like a great time. The St. Louis zoo is really great and a great time for the family.
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