What a wonderful evening this turned out to be. I love it when you have moments that you don't plan, but they just happen and you walk away from that experience saying, "Wow! I really needed that!" Tonight was just one of those nights.
I had made plans earlier in the day to take Gentry to the park to feed the ducks...yes, I know...it seems that's what I'm always doing in my spare time these days! But hey, with weather like this and the cold and snow bound to come, I'm trying to monopolize on these beautiful fall days. But, I digress! Oh I've always wanted to say that!! :) ANYWAY, my BIG PLANS for the day was to go have fun with Gentry at the park and then go and spend the afternoon with mimi (my mom) and then maybe have a nice dinner with Dale and do a little shopping. Well, the old body just wasn't up to it and after tidying up my kitchen I was so weak and lightheaded that I called mom and told her, "Well, I'll call you when I feel like I'm not going to literally pass out!" Yeah, I know, I'm such a baby! Well, by the time it was all said and done and Gentry had woke up from his nap it was 5:30 p.m.! Where did my day go?? But I refused to totally lose my day, so we all got dressed and finally made it over to mimi's around 7:30!
And man...it was just one of those visits that I really, really needed. Dale, mom and I sat around and talked mostly politics and the economy until Dad got home from work. Then we all were trying to chime in over each other and cast our "opinions" about all the craziness of what's going on in the country right now. We had our share of laughs over Gentry's little antics and then about 12:30 Christy & Courtney got in from the party they had been to. Courtney had called from the party and asked if she could spend the night with us, so we waited around until they got there.
I said all that to say this...it's been a VERY uncertain week with all the events going on in the news and sometimes this week I've just had a sense of fear and dread about even turning on the radio or TV or signing on to the internet for fear of what I might read about in the news. I felt a lot of turmoil inside and knew that wasn't of God. But there truly is something about gathering together with people of like precious faith and sharing the hope that we have if we're God's kids. I felt so uplifted and encouraged when I walked out the door of mama's house and know somehow that everything really is going to be alright.
I was SO thankful that my sister wrote what she did in her blog today. I felt that in the midst of all of this uncertainty, I was hoping that someone would remind me once again where my faith lies. THANK YOU, sis for what you wrote. It was so encouraging to me.
We finally made it back home around 2:00 a.m., but with a lighter heart and a calm I've not felt in several days. I KNOW that God is in ultimate control of all of man's affairs, but sometimes it's just nice to be reminded again.
So, my big plans today ended up being a simple evening at mama's house, but you know what?...most of the time that's all it takes to make things better!
1 comment:
I loved your post, Mel, and I enjoyed our evening, too! Isn't it nice when something not planned turns out to be wonderful!
I loved being with Mr. Gentry, too! That sweet boy is just too precious for words! I am happy to see that he has an appetite again. He demolished that bowl of peas and the bowl of mac and cheese!
Hope you have a good night's rest and a great day tomorrow! Love you!
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