Hey guys! Sorry I've been unable to post for a few days...just not up to much but pushing my call light for pain meds! :) I am still in the hospital, but hope to be able to go home Monday, but realistically looking more like Tuesday. I had surgery this past Friday to have my gallbladder removed. Once the surgeon got inside with an ultrasound camera, he noted that my appendix was inflammed and/or infected and decided to take that out as well. I have a drain still in that will hopefully be removed tomorrow or Tuesday as well. They already have me up walking the halls and I've been in a tremendous amount of pain, but seemed to have turned a corner somewhat late this evening and am able to move a little better without being in a good deal of pain. They have stopped my IV fluids tonight as well, so I feel like all the "little steps" are big steps of progress in getting me back home. I am still on a full liquid diet and have had some trouble today with nausea and vomiting, but having lupus makes the healing times just a bit longer than normal, so I'm trying to be patient...no pun intended! :)
Here are a few pics Dale took the day I was getting some units of blood. Gentry was joking around sticking my earplugs up his nose...and no...I decided not to reuse them! :) And then the lab tech that came in to draw my blood thought Gentry and Dale were so cute knocked out on their "oh so comfortable" overnight bed/chair, so she grabbed my cell phone and snapped a picture of them too.
Sorry if this is "disjointed" and doesn't make much sense. I'm still pretty "drug-induced" with happy stuff to keep the pain under control. Hope to be home soon and back to living life. I'm hopeful this "tune-up" will be just what I needed to help things get back to some sense of normalcy with my health.
I'll be in touch as I can.
Blessings - Melanie
You look good (even though you're in pain). I know having your two guys there helps. How can Gentry get any cuter????
The earplug picture is too cute! Glad to hear you feel you've turned the corner. Still praying for you and checking the site a lot more often since you've been in the hospital. Thanks for the update. Love ya!
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