So, this picture is one of the things I love about the south. No pretention...people are what they are and if you don't like it, well it's YOUR loss. I've had the privilege of living in the south for many years with my honey, attending college in Mississippi for both of my degrees, and most of my dearest friends in the world hail from Mississippi, Louisiana & Texas.
My best friend, MaDonna, had the biggest influence on teaching me the art of being a Southern gal. She taught me to never let someone's tea glass get empty...how to be gracious and welcoming to strangers...the "right" way to eat turnip greens and gumbo...(sorry, still can't stomach the greens)...and how to charm your way right into the arms of a southern gentleman!
I got my wish, and married the most Southern, country boy I'd ever met in my life. I literally had true to goodness culture shock when I met his family for the first time over a Thanksgiving break. I'd never seen someone cook like his mom did. Almost everything was fried, and she made SO MUCH! But I have to tell you it didn't take long for me to warm up to the idea of fried pork chops smothered in brown gravy, rice, fried squash & okra, and corn (I still can't figure out how she makes it taste so good!)...and washing it all down with a big ole glass of cold sweet tea. (sorry, haven't acquired a taste for that either.)
I love the laid back attitude Southerners possess...I love their southern drawl...I LOVE the food they cook...I love the way people wave at each other in their vehicles...(I used to ask Dale, "Who was that?"...and he'd say, "I don't know...we just wave to everyone!)...and you just can't beat a good ole gossip session down at the local beauty shop! :)
So, even though I'm not a Southerner (by the grace of God)...I call myself a transplant. I haven't embraced all the southern ways of life, but I try to take the positive things I've gleaned from my southern friends and apply them to my life where I can.
Diversity is what makes the world go round, so to all my southern friends out there...this shout out is for you. Thanks for impacting my life with your southern ways, and accepting this yankee into your "GRITS" club!
Love y'all!!
Sounds like you are a little homesick for Mississippi :) I agree, I think the South is superior in many ways...
As always, well said.
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