I cannot believe it's been 12 days since I posted. I don't have a lot going on right now, but didn't want you to think I'd totally abandoned my blog. I've spent the past couple of weeks being home from the hospital and trying to get back on my feet. As usual, the process is a bit slower for me because of the lupus and my compromised immune system and my body's ability to heal properly. However...I do feel a lot better and everyday I feel stronger. I go for some follow-ups next week with my doctors and hopefully things will be even better. The only problem I'm having is keeping my BP under control. It usually always goes up when I go into the hospital, but comes back under control (along with the BP meds I take) once I get back home. This time however, my BP has been SO HIGH! Last night it was 181/116! And it's been that high since I've been home from the hospital. I finally got concerned last night once I realized how long it has been that high. So, I decided to call my doctors this morning and wouldn't you know one of them is out until next Thursday, and the other one was out until Monday! BOTHER! So, I checked my BP again this morning and it was only 116/83!! Thank you God!! So, I'll keep taking my meds and following it close and hope I don't go into complete renal failure or have a stroke between now and Monday! :)
On another brighter note, my sweet little niece is graduating from 8th grade tonight and so we're going to cheer her on and party at her new house afterwards. I love getting together with my family. We're all pretty different and bring different views and personalities to the mix, so it's always fun to get together. One thing is for certain, there are always LOTS of laughs. I'll post pictures later on of our fabulous celebration. Now that my sweet Courtney is out of school, I hope she'll be able to spend some time at the farm with me. I always love having her around and Gentry thinks she's just about the coolest thing around.
Glad also to have my hubby home for a few days. He's been gone since Sunday on a job in Meridian, MS and has to leave out again this Sunday, so I'm going to have to make every minute count these next two days. He takes care of me so well, and I would be lost without him in my life. Yes, we fight like cats and dogs sometimes...he's SO opinionated...and my view is usually the polar opposite, but at the end of the day I know I couldn't/wouldn't want to live my life without him in it.
So, I hope we have a fun-filled night with family tonight and then have a great day tomorrow with my own little family. Hope you all enjoy the beautiful spring weekend with your loved ones and I hope to be able to be more consistent in my entries!
Love & Blessings - Mel
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in1990, Pyt...
5 years ago
So glad to hear that you are feeling better. wish yall could be here for Hagen's 3rd bday party...can you believe it...my baby is 3 YEARS OLD!!!!! He is having a mickey mouse bday party...i will post pictures soon but you know with me having dial up it could be sometime next month...lol...j/k. anyways...thank the GOOD LORD ABOVE for you feeling better. hope to see ya soon.
love ya girl.
Mimi's Musings said...
Hey sweet Lanie Jo! I'm glad you are climbing back out of the pit! Mommies always struggle when their babies are sick, no matter how old the babies are. Also, I'm so thankful that you were able to attend Courtney's graduation and party. It would not have been the same without you. So now we have these wonderful memories to tuck away of yet one more unforgettable Sully party! I loved how Gentry was so eager for Courtney to open "his" present. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures. Love you! Mom
just so you know, I deleted my first comment due to a redundant word! ;)
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