Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Health Update from Mel

Hey everyone. Yes, it's me again tonight. My mom was gracious enough to sign on and blog for me last night. Dale was kind enough to bring my laptop up to me today and by this evening after enough pain meds in me to kill a normal human being...I have just enough sanity to be able to post a small update on my condition.

I am still in the hospital and look to being in here probably until sometime this weekend. I am hopeful to maybe be able to go home on Saturday or Sunday, but they don't get in much of a rush to do any kind of discharging on the weekends, so it is a strong possibility I may be in here realistically until Monday.

I've seen four doctors today and everyone has weighed in on their particular specialty. The plan at this point is to get me rehydrated which is coming along nicely. I've had 6 or 7 liters of fluid pumped in intravenously over the past twenty-four hours and already feel AMAZING strength just from the rehydration alone. I've suffered more today from the massive amounts of nausea & abdominal pain...more so than yesterday, but again, they are keeping me dosed up well on IV pain meds and anti-nausea medications, so that is helping even though I'm requiring large doses of that fairly frequently. I do have pancreatitis and "gastroenteritis" and the plan is to calm the inflammation down and to take out my gall bladder once and for all most likely on Thursday. One of the doctors said that this would probably reduce my number of pancreatitis episodes down dramatically. So, another surgery is on the horizon for me, but I am on board and ready to have it done if it will help with this persistent pancreatitis that seems to come out of nowhere.

I appreciate all the calls, texts, e-mails, & flowers that have brightened my days more than you will ever know. I have the best group of friends a gal could hope and dream for and I don't take your care and concern for granted. Well, this is short and sweet, but needs to stay that way for now since I need my rest. I will try to keep updated or have my sweet mama do it for me. Dale, Gentry & I covet your prayers.

Blessings to you & MUCH love...

Resting...in HIS care...



Crystal said...

Hey Melanie,
I will be thinking of you and praying for you. I passed it along to Bro. Mike that you were in the hospital so he will mention you again on Wednesday night at church. My Sunday School class is also praying. Just know that if you need anything, let me know and I will try and help you with anything. if you need me to blog for you just let me know, it won't be as beautifully spoken as you or your mom, but i will be sure and give it my mississippi touch...lol. Praying for you and love you!!

Unknown said...

We will be praying for you, Melanie. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Mimi's Musings said...

My sweet Lanie Jo! I am happy you are getting the care that you need and believe that God will work through your wonderful team of physicians to make you well again. It did my heart good to spend time with you today and see for myself that you are improving. Rest and trust that God will answer the many prayers that are being offered on your behalf. Love you!