Today is my sweet sister's birthday...so glad I got to share some of the day with her and celebrate with her. Mom, Chrsity & myself met at this fantastic tea room for lunch today. It started out hilarious with mom being...well mom...and then once we got our tickle boxes turned upside-down and inside-out...well, we just couldn't quite pull it together the rest of the meal. Thankfully we were kind of stuck in a corner of the tea room, so we didn't really interrupt anyone else's "high class" lunch with our snorting! :)
First off, I was running around like crazy trying to get ready in time to make it there for lunch, then got caught behind some SLOW tractors and was about 15 minutes late getting there. I was unable to unearth a gift bag for Christy's gifts (probably in some of the junk I threw out last week), so I quickly stuffed them in my purse and off I ran to my lunch date. When I finally got there and sat down mom pipes up and points to my purse and says, "Oh, look! Are you reading a new book?" I just kind of looked at her and said, "Well, I was going to wait, but it's actually one of Christy's gifts!" So, my perfect "soap opera" moment of gift giving was quickly thwarted. Christy loved her gifts and we had a good laugh over that. Then we got to talking more serious "spiritual" things...and right in the middle of it mom lets a "word" slip out without realizing what she had said. And then when she realized she said something X-rated, she puts her hand over her mouth and says, "Did I just say that?!?!?!?!" That's when the pig snortin' laughs started and we couldn't get it together. Tears were pouring we were laughing so hard. Then every time we thought we had it back together, we'd look at each other and start chortling again. I don't think it would have been as funny if we hadn't been talking about such serious stuff. But we had a great lunch and took pictures outside afterwards. (still waitin' on those pics, gals!).
I don't remember one moment of my life when my sister was not in it. Mom says we were the BEST of friends growing up. Christy was my protector and caretaker and not much has changed over these thirty-something years. We had a rough patch during our teenage years, but when she got married and moved to North Carolina, it was like we became the best of friends all over again. My sister has lived her life with a grace that I've often envied. Losing her precious Dave when she was 23 years old, having to raise a child alone from 10 months to 8 years old, and then finding love the second time around in her "Prince Charles", she has lived her life with grace and dignity that amazes me!
I don't know what I would have done without her during my last stay in the hospital. I remember one night she knew I had taken a turn for the worse and things were touch and go and she got up at 2 or 3 in the morning and drove all the way up to the hospital just to be with me and help take care of me. Those are things I'll never forget. So, today I celebrate the life and birthday of my precious sister. I'm so thankful I have her in my life. She is solid as a rock and I'm glad that no matter what crisis may come along in my life, I can always count on her to be standing in my grandstand cheering me on through thick and thin. I love you, sis! So glad you're mine!
Aww sis, once again you have me in tears! You are my inspiration. Never forget that!
So enjoyed our tea room lunch today! I think we all really needed that gut-busting laugh! Thanks for the gifts too. Love you much!
Hey Melanie! I just loved reading this... I have two sisters that I love so much, and a feisty mom who can still crack all of us up! Your boys are just gorgeous, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your older posts and introducing myself (in my head, anyway) to your family. Please DO NOT ever let my girls see pictures of that puppy, they will completely freak out!
I am so glad you outed yourself on my blog, I look forward to getting to know you better.
P.S. You have such a beautiful voice, and also? God was TOTALLY aiming at me when He created that head of hair, but somehow missed and it landed on your head instead. I'm still a little miffed about it.
Sounds like you had a great time with your mom and sister. I always love reading about your outings with them. They are two of the most precious people I know with you being the first, of course, lol...But seriously, You know I love your family!! Thanks for sharing some older pictures with us.
Love ya
That "hand-in-hand" picture is SO adorable! My favorite of my big sis and I is in our matching watermelon rompers. She, being the older of us, of course, hated weraing matching outfits. I, on the other hand, thought it was the greatest.
Happy birthday to Christy and Ryan...the memories of the years growing up in my "other" home...
Love, Tara
Oh, Mel, my Mel! How you have busted me out in front of the whole blog-world! I still can't believe I said it, but the laughter just comes blasting out every time I think about it! The tea room may never allow us to enter the premises again! I guess if we're going to behave in such scandalous ways, we need to drive a few miles where NOBODY knows our names! One thing about it, Christy can't say her birthday wasn't memorable! :) Love you!
PS Loved having you at my "country estate" yesterday, and getting to show Gentry Mimi & PaPa's new digs!
Your old-fashioned vanilla milkshake started me thinking about a good ole coke float. I've been having at least one-two a day for about a week now...guess I'll blame you if I gain any weight. :-)
Since you always seem to be mentioning food on here, I thought of you when I had lunch today. I was seeing patients in DeRidder and saw "stuffed potato" on the sign of a little cafe that I often pick up lunch from.
I went in thinking it would be the usual...butter, sour cream, bacon...and it was...with one extra...pork. I almost didn't order it, but I am so glad I did. It was delicious. So there you go, try shredded pork on your next potato.
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