Monday, August 25, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dad, Blame It! - Gentry's Accident of the week!

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thankful Thursday
1. I am thankful for MY FAMILY - immediate and extended. We just celebrated a family reunion on my mom's side of the family a few weeks ago and I was reminded again of how grateful I am to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. They are strong, loyal, of German descent (mostly), scattered from California to Florida, and LOTS of Type A personalities in the crowd. Me taking more after my dad's side of the family and being more introverted, I found myself sitting alone sometimes during the gathering, soaking it all in and reflecting on how each person I saw had personally impacted my life through the years. My grandparents were there who both turned 90 years old this year. To see them able to come, though feeble as they were, and to see the many generations succeeding them was a full circle experience. I am thankful that I was raised in a family that believes in the power of the cross, unshakable faith and infinite mercy and grace. I feel the mantle of responsibility rest heavy on my shoulders as I watched my little blonde headed angel toddling around without a care in the world. Knowing that God has entrusted to me a great responsibility to pass this heritage on to my son, is a privilege I don't take lightly and I pray for wisdom everyday to be able to impart something of eternal significance into his heart and life.
The rest of my "thankful fors" I'm sure you've read somewhere before, but they bear repeating. Our perspective on life is our reality of life and I want to be able to take the joys AND inconveniences of life and make MY perspective on all of it positive.
2. I am thankful for the sink of dirty dishes I had to wash last night after dinner...because it reminded me that I had enough money to buy groceries this week...it reminded me that I have family to share a dinnertime meal with...and it reminded me of the compliments I received from my little guy when he told me, "Mmm, mama, das good!"
3. I am thankful for the $3.76 per gallon of gas I had to pay for yesterday...because it means I have a vehicle to drive and I don't have to walk, take the bus or metro, or ride a bicycle to where I'm going.
4. I am thankful for the 6 loads of laundry I had to sit and fold on the couch last night...because it means that I am constantly surrounded by two guys that love me enough to want to live with me 24/7. And the pile of laundry is a small price to pay for the laughter and joy these two bring into my life everyday.
5. I am thankful for having to wash permanent Sharpie marker off Gentry's arms, hands, legs & face...because I know these days won't last forever and I'm going to miss these moments all too soon and wish them back when he's grown and gone. So no, I don't mind these crazy days of my life right now!
In other news, well, it's just an ordinary day. Dale and Gentry have gone down to Charles and Christy's place to "test" out their new black & tan coon hounds. Don't ask me how, why or what they do, but it's a passion of Dale's and something I'm sure he wants to pass on to Gentry. Gentry LOVES being around his poppa and it gives me a few quiet hours at the house to collect my thoughts as well.
I'm doing dinner at home tonight. Living out here on the farm, I've started doing home cooking A LOT more often now and am LOVING it. The menu for tonight is:
Grilled Flat Iron Steaks with feta crumbled cheese melted on top
Herb Roasted New Potatoes
Fresh Garden Green Beans
Squash Casserole
Homemade Bread
Fresh Peach Cobbler
We're are enjoying the bounty of the summer harvest right now and have been fortunate enough to be able to cook and bake things fresh from the garden or farmer's market. There truly is nothing like cooking with the freshest of ingredients. It DOES make a difference.
Well, I'm going to run for now. I hope I can keep up with the blogging thing. It will be fun to look back and read as a journal of sorts in months and years to come. Feel free to post comments or share my blog with your friends. I hope to be able to post lots of exciting news, recipes, pictures, interviews and whatever else inspires me on here.
Warmest Regards - Melanie
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My Family...My treasure
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my family for having Sunday dinner with us this past Sunday. It's always such an honor, privilege and labor of love to cook dinner for you all. I guess "acts of service" is my love language and I feel fulfilled when I'm "doing" for other people...especially my family.
The food was good...so you said anyway! :) I made a chicken and rice casserole, homemade squash casserole straight from OUR OWN garden, baked corn OFF the cob that Dale made...he got the recipe from his mother, and oh my goodness was it ever good! Southern ladies just know how to cook! Then we had English peas & spoon rolls laden with butter, honey, or homemade fig preserves!!
For dessert I made turtle brownies, homemade cinnamon rolls, & banana pudding. YUM-O!
The food was fabulous, but the company was even better. The conversation was light and encouraging and of course lots of laughs sprinkled in.
We've only got less than two weeks now before we hit the road for vacation to Florida. We are going to be traveling buddies with Mom & Dad. They have leased a "condo" down in Orlando for a year and so we're going down there to help "pretty it up" so we all will have access to it throughout the year. Mom and dad have already been down there once and plan on taking full advantage of their getaway place during the cold winter months.
We plan to mix the right amount of relaxation with fun and attractions. Our plans at this point are to go to Medieval Times dinner theatre, Sea World, Disney's Animal Kingdom, and possibly Magic Kingdom if we don't wear ourselves out!
I'll be sure to post pictures of our trip when we get back.
Well, I'm going to wrap this up for now. I've got a doctor's appointment this afternoon and piano lessons this evening. Yes...I've started taking lessons again...and I'm LOVING it!
So, I better get to practicing for a bit and then make sure I have the stuff ready to go for dinner tonight.
Looks like my menu is going to be:
Fried Ocean Perch
Crab Fried Rice
Fresh Green Beans (from the garden! )
Asiago Cheese Toast
&.........Banana Pudding or Rice Krispy Treats for dinner!!
Mmmm....can't wait!
Blessings to you all -