Sunday, March 1, 2009


Okay folks...I've just GOT to share this picture! I did get partial permission to post it!! Mom had an allergic reaction to some unknown allergen last week and had to seek medical treatment for it. She's doing much better after making sure she wasn't on the verge of death about it, we all had a good laugh about how funny she looked. Mom's always been a good sport when it comes to making fun and she's always been able to laugh at herself as well. So, it got me to searching through some old photos because I remember a certain go cart accident my brother had when he was younger. Then I found a picture of Gentry's swollen lip last year and this is what would make a good collage of pictures! I sent the picture to all of my immediate family members first and asked for mom's permission to post it to my blog. She agreed to let me post it! Thanks for being such a good sport, mom! So, the question is...who wins the "fat lip" contest on this one? Mom's from an allergic reaction; Jared's from a go cart accident; or Gentry's from...well, I really can't remember!

We've all enjoyed a chuckle over these pictures...and I think we all could use a bit more comedic intervention in our lives! Hope this makes you LOL or smile at the very least!


1 comment:

Mimi's Musings said...

Oh, me! Well, it is what it is. You have no idea what it feels like to have your lip precede you into the next zip code! Viewing these pictures again, I do believe the rest of the family should have genetic testing done, so that none of the rest of you fall into this pit!
Love you!