Monday, February 23, 2009

Just another typical day living life with a three year old. It's been one of those days with Gentry where one minute I feel like I'm about to pull my hair out, and then the next minute he's got me laughing hysterically. Since we've been back home, Gentry has taken on the role of terrorizing the dogs. He think they LOVE the fact that he drags them around the house by their two front legs, or puts them in a laundry basket and scoots them around the house, or chases them around with his remote control truck or tricycle. He thinks it's hysterical when they run for cover and can't imagine in his wildest dreams that they might not be enjoying the playtime as much as he is.

But, when the food comes out, they are his best friends and he feeds them any & everything that's on his plate.

Today we were making carrot cake cupcakes, and Gentry always loves licking the beaters. So, while I was putting those paper things in the muffin tins, I hear him spitting. I turn around and he said, "I got a carrot..." and he was spitting it back into the batter!! I look down into the bowl, and sure enough, there was Gentry's "carrot" spit! So, what's a girl to do? I just stirred it all up and thought, maybe the heat from the oven will burn away all the germs!! Nasty, I know, but I promise not to serve them to company!

Then he decided he wanted to take me down to the basement to see the baby chicks. Dale had told me earlier in the week that he had a couple of baby chicks down there, so you can imagine my surprise when Gentry took me downstairs and there is about 40 baby chicks down there! Dale is so busted! Gentry just reached right down into the box and pulled one out and held him. I thought he'd be scared, but he wasn't. It's funny how "a couple" in terms of numerical value can mean different totals to different people. I don't care one bit about the chicks being down there, I just think it's funny that Dale said he only had a couple down there and then Gentry takes me down there and I see dozens of chickens in a little box.

Well, I need to get dinner going. We're having filet mignon with a bearnaise sauce, loaded mashed potatoes & a vegetable (haven't decided on that one yet). And of course, our carrot cake cupcakes! Can't wait! Gentry's out for his nap, so I think I'm gonna rest a bit with him before I finish dinner.

I have to see another doctor tomorrow and have some more labwork done. My anemia is my biggest battle right now. I am SO PALE...more than usual...and have NO energy. Dale gave me a shot of Procrit today, so I'm hoping that will help my counts to come up. It takes about 3-4 weeks for the Procrit to start working, so I may end up having to be transfused in the interim, but I know in time everything will work out. Pastor Blake preached the most awesome sermon last night about God either carrying you "through" a difficult situation, or carrying you "over" a situation. So, whether God allows you to go "through" a trial, or He allows the trial to be removed from your life...either way, when you come out on the other side of it, you will ALWAYS have a testimony.

So, no matter how God chooses to work my health situation out, I feel confident once I'm on the other side of it, I'll be able to say with confidence that:

Through It All...He's Been Faithful!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Too funny about Gentry's carrot incident and about busting Dale out. You never know what a little one will do next that's for sure! Your dinner sounded yummy! Hope you're starting to feel better. Love ya!