Hey guys! Not much going on here, but I wanted to post a few pictures I've taken lately. Last night we drove up to Illinois Family Camp for the Friday night service. Dale, Gentry and I rode up with my sister, niece, brother & sis-in-law. It was about 2 1/2 hours up there and the ride up and back home was the most memorable part of the evening. We shared LOTS & LOTS of laughs and some GREAT road snacks!
Jerry Jones was the evening speaker and he preached a message called "Encore". He's STILL my favorite preacher! I'd actually heard him preach that before, but it was just as powerful last night as it was the first time I heard it. We ended our evening with a good country dinner at Cracker Barrel before we got back on the road to head south. Us girls all were sacked out by the time we got back to the house, but Ryan and Dale kept conversation going ALL THE WAY home. I honestly don't know how someone could think of that many things to talk about non-stop for three hours!!! :) My throat would be sore from talking that much! ;) He said he was just trying to keep the driver awake! Yeah, right!
So, I slept in today and have been being lazy all day long. Dale and Gentry have been working and playing outside all day long. Dale got two new beagle puppies this past week, so Gentry has laid claim to them and has been carrying them around all day today. He has taken a shine to one in particular and has named him B.J.??? Don't ask! He came up with that one on his own!
Not much else going on here. Enjoy the pics! :)